1 sheepdog  Aug 1, 2008 4:35:11pm

I’m an auto mechanic , It’s true ethanol does cause problems.
In the past I noticed electric fuel pumps would either work or not work.
this still happens but I have changed out many pumps that worked but just not enough, now they cause engine performance issues due to improper(usually low) fuel pressure and quantity.
also seeing more failed fuel Injectors.
I would not use any ethanol In an engine with a carburetor period.

2 Boxy_brown  Aug 1, 2008 10:57:24pm

I have a couple of vintage motorcycles that ran for years on unleaded just fine. When they started putting ethanol in I started burning valve seats.

Ethanol in engines not specifically designed to burn alcohol is a bad idea on so many levels.

3 twh  Aug 2, 2008 4:30:15pm

I e-mailed this article to two bass fishermen I know who have both blown 225 horse Mercury,s in the last 2 years. One of them twice. Here in Canada ethanol is I think 5%

4 blangwort  Aug 2, 2008 7:41:32pm

Many aircraft are certified to run on ‘MOGAS” as it is called. These are engines which used to be certified for the 80 Octane (Red) aviation gasoline. The catch is that it MUST NOT have ethanol in it. This limitation has been known for years. I’m surprised so many others are just now discovering this problem.

There is nothing inherently wrong with Ethanol, of course, except for the lower energy to volume ratio, and as long as the gaskets, hoses, and valve materials are able to deal with it, and as long as you don’t mind using so much farm land to produce this stuff…

At this rate even MTBE is starting to look attractive…

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